My boss is constantly yelling at me – is this normal?

I work for a business where the owner routinely yells at employees, including me. I’ve tried to address it with my manager, but now I either get yelled at or the silent treatment. I am constantly shaking at work. This is not normal, is it?

Well, it’s normal to cringe when someone is treated as badly as you describe – but no, it’s definitely not normal for someone to treat someone else this way, and it’s illegal in the workplace.

If there is a human resources function in your company, or someone legal, then you all need to document the behavior and file complaints. If not, you should alert someone else in management. You should also seek the advice of an attorney and can file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the process for which can be found on their website.

The yelling boss
If your boss is constantly yelling at you, this could be considered illegal. Getty Images

If you resign, you will almost certainly be awarded unemployment benefits for leaving your job because of a hostile work environment. Otherwise, a doctor will likely certify that you need to take time off due to stress. At the very least this would get you out of the toxicity with some protection while you figure out the next steps. You have rights and resources – you are not stuck. Take action.

I don’t actually hate my job, but it’s hard work and I’m exhausted by Friday. I have no energy to do anything over the weekend and have really bad cases of Sunday Dread. I start dreading the week and can barely get out of bed. How can I handle this?

Oh, my. This is no way to live or work. There are so many options here – a recommendation starts with getting professional help to deal with the stress you’re experiencing. As for your difficult work week, have you had a discussion with your boss? Is this just a period of high stress that will pass or is it normal that there is no end in sight? Are you overwhelmed with responsibilities? Can your boss shift resources or workload to help alleviate this? Can you work differently, smarter and not harder? Whatever is happening cannot continue. Discuss this with your boss and get help for the stress you are feeling in the meantime.

Gregory Giangrande has over 25 years of experience as a Chief Human Resources Executive. Listen to Greg Wed. at 9:35 on iHeartRadio 710 WOR with Len Berman and Michael Riedel. Email: Follow: and on Twitter: @GregGiangrande

#boss #constantly #yelling #normal
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